To download Code::Blocks you should visit this link.
Once you go to this website, you should choose the right version for your plateform.
Here we present the direct links to the executables for the principal Operating systems.
For Windows plateform :
You should pay attention to download the Code::Blocks version which contains the GCC compiler whose name is MINGW.
Choose the version called: codeblocks-13.12mingw-setup.exe
The direct link for this version is the here.
This version works well for the 32 bits and the 64 bits windows plateforms as well.
For Debian plateform : Example: Ubuntu linux distribution belongs to Debian plateform.
The executable files in Debian distributions has the .deb extension.
You should choose the stable version which is located in this address:
There is no version for debian plateform whose architecture is 64 bits.
For Mac OS X plateform :
The direct link to the Mac OS X version is this.
- Code::Blocks for Mac is currently not as stable as are other ports, especially on Mountain Lion. In other words, we could use an extra Mac developer (or two) to work on Mac compatibility issues.
- We offer a Mac version, explained hereby:
- default release, in ZIP format
- The provided download contains an Application Bundle (for the i386 architecture) built for Mac OS X 10.6 (and later), bundling most Code::Blocks plugins.
- For older versions please check here
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